12 Things You Didn't Know About Me

1. I was sent to boarding school age 9. On another continent. Nothing ‘bad’ happened, but the wound is real, and healing - now, at 49 - is painful.
2. In January 2023, I had a skin cancer removed from my nose. It was 2cm x 2cm and has left me with a scar from mid-forehead to nose tip. I still can’t quite believe it happened. Looking in the mirror is challenging.
3. My inner critic is harsh. Someone told me to be kind to myself and my instant response was ‘I don’t know how to do that’. I’m working on it.
4. I sometimes use food to self-soothe. There’s been a lot of that lately - see points 2 and 3 and I’m much heavier than I like to be. I know how much energy it takes to get into the right space to lose weight.
5. I hate taking medication - even painkillers. Avoiding HRT in perimenopause is absolutely non-negotiable, and I’m super proud that I’ve helped hundreds of women do the same.
6. I am part of a Kirtan community in Rugby. It’s devotional singing. It’s beautiful, healing - and not religious at all.
7. I go to the gym 4 times a week: strength training and breathwork designed to reduce cortisol. It’s my very own special blend of exercise. I rely on it. I need it. I love it, and I am strong.
8. I met my husband at school. I fell for him instantly. We had a 10 year gap, but I never really stopped loving him, and then we met again. He is why I believe in fate.
9. I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 6 years in my 20s. It felt like my life had ended, but it turned out to be one of my biggest blessings because it’s the reason I’m a naturopath. Natural medicine is my passion and my purpose. I love it, and have to be strict to stay out of it at the weekend, or I never switch off. I find it really hard.
10. My favourite book series is Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M Auel. I’ve read it countless times since my teens - the protagonist is a medicine woman. Maybe the universe was hinting and I wasn’t listening (cue point 9).
11. I was cat-deprived my whole life. Now we have 3. I love them SO much. It’s a bit like living with little furry aliens.
12. I’m not great at sleeping, or pooing and have to manage both carefully.