A Naturopath’s Guide to Good Nutrition

Nutrition is about so much more than just calories, fat and eating veg.
Eating naturopathically can help to reduce the risk of a myriad of health-related problems, including some pretty frightening ones.
1 in 2 of us will get cancer now, and what you eat plays a big role not only in if you get it, but in how you cope if you do.
Proper nutrition, however, entails eating many different foods, some all the time, others very rarely. Nothing is banned in a healthy diet, but not everything is for everyday.
Everyday foods are foods in their whole, natural state – foods grown in fields. Factory-made foods, which come in packets with ingredient lists, are generally to be avoided.
To function properly, your body must have the correct combination of macronutrients, which are carbs, proteins and fats.
Carbs are sugar, grains, fruit and vegetables. They are important in your diet for energy. The body uses carbohydrates to build glucose (your body’s preferred form of fuel) which can be used immediately or stored for later. Too much glucose is stored as fat and can mess with your mood.
There are two types of carbs – fast and slow. Sugars and refined grains are fast carbs, as are tropical fruits. Other fruits, root veg and wholegrains are slower carbs.
Green veg is the slowest carb, full of fibre and antioxidant goodness. This is the one you should be eating the most of.
Proteins help your body build and maintain muscles. It’s really important to help you feel full, and fuel your body. Protein isn’t just meat and fish. It also comes from lentils, nuts, seeds, eggs, tofu and tempeh.
Quorn and other plant-based proteins are becoming more popular, and while vegan food is promoted as being good for the environment, it isn’t necessarily good for your body – remember a healthy diet is based around food made by nature, not food processed in a factory.
Contrary to received wisdom, fat is another really important nutrient that your body needs. The best fats to eat are those we find in oily fish (mackerel, herring, sardines and salmon), nuts and seeds and olive oil.
You need one tablespoon twice a day. Don’t be afraid of eating good fats.
Want more advice about nutrition and how I can help you achieve your health goals? Book in for a FREE 30 minute call with me today.