Did you know? Chocolate facts and a discount code!

Chocolate is an antioxidant and contains iron, potassium, selenium and zinc. Small amounts of the high quality dark chocolate is anti ageing, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, is packed with antioxidants and important minerals like iron, potassium, zinc and selenium.
If you’re going to eat chocolate – make sure it’s worth it! It’s got to be seriously good if it’s going to disrupt your blood sugar! So high quality brands only – that’s Green & Blacks, Lindt, Booja Booja (my personal favourite – I won’t buy anything else!). If you look at the ingredients list for Cadburys’ and other milk chocolates, you’ll see there is actually hardly any chocolate in there – it’s mostly vegetable fat (ew), glucose syrup and sugar – maximum 20% cocoa! That’s a far cry from the minimum 75% cocoa solids you get from quality brands. I implore you to taste the difference! It’s huge!
To get some seriously chocolatey health benefits, I recommend raw cacoa powder and raw cacoa nibs. I put the nibs in my granola or porridge, and the powder is also added to porridge, cakes and in oatmilk to make a delicious hot chocolate, blitzed in the Nutribullet with a tablespoon of coconut oil for a rich, indulgent and good-cholesterol frothy drink. Use the code SSBW010 at checkout to get a 10% discount.
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