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Get in the mood this Valentine's Day - naturally!

We all have days when we’re not in the mood for sex. But for some it’s not just the pressure of Valentine’s Day – it’s all year round.

You’re not alone - it’s something I see a lot in clinic. For women, having sex is often far more complicated than just feeling “in the mood”. When we’re spinning so many plates (from children, work, partners and social life, not to mention caring for elderly parents and demanding PTAs), making love is often last on the ‘to-do’ list.

Throw into the mix low self esteem, lack of body confidence, stress, relationship problems and hormonal issues, it’s no wonder that 57% of women say they prefer Facebook to sex.

Certain medication including anti-depressants, blood pressure drugs and ironically even the Pill can lower libido, as can having an underactive thyroid or being perimenopausal.

Turn that ‘not tonight’ into every night with these foods…

BROCCOLI – eating this vitamin-C rich vegetable has been shown to boost circulation and sex drive.

WATERMELON – this contains lycopene, citrulline and beta-carotene, which relax blood vessels and creates a natural Viagra effect.

AVOCADOS – packed with nutritious goodies, including desire-boosting potassium and folic acid, which helps with stamina. They also contain vitamin B6, which research shows can decrease symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (such as fatigue, bloating and irritability). This might make it easier for you to feel “in the mood”.

EGGS – one of nature’s superfoods, bursting with B vitamins, including B6 that helps balance hormones and beat stress – which means you will be more in the mood.

STEAK – women who have a high sex drive often have higher levels of the ‘male’ hormone testosterone. So fill up on steak – it’s rich in zinc, known to boost libido by blocking an enzyme that converts testosterone to the ‘female’ hormone oestrogen.

MACA every morning - Maca is a Peruvian libido-boosting herb, proven to boost sex drive and fertility thanks to its high iodine and zinc levels. Research into maca has also found that it can relieve symptoms associated with the perimenopause, including lack of vaginal lubrication and hot flushes. It’s also an adrenal tonic, helping with reduce stress and improve energy. Add a teaspoon to your porridge,yoghurt, a smoothie or your coffee (whizz it up in a nutribullet to blend).

PS Most people are unaware that a healthy period should come & go, and you only notice it because you’re bleeding. Yes, really! No PMT, no breast tenderness, no cramps and no unmanageably heavy bleeding – really! Just because your Mum or your friends have it doesn’t mean you have to put up with it! If you experience these symptoms every month, book your Be Your Best call to see what you can do to resolve them, naturally.

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